Teach and Leach are the pen names we use as the authors' of this Fantasy Fulfillment Guidebook Series. You see, we practice what we preach. Being known by our pen names provides us with ambiguity and tranquility from our overzealous fans.
Throughout our travels, we have also become known as the Hounds of Fantasy Fulfillment because of our quest to help everyday people fulfill their fantasies.
We have a unique writing style. We envision ourselves in a relaxed atmosphere surrounded by our flock of fans as we are giving our personal presentation of our experiences, observations, and investigations
that we have discovered throughout our travels as the Hounds of fantasy fulfillment.
We also want our readers to practice what we preach with real likeminded people not only in Las Vegas. So, we have developed and are also the host of our Hounds Hippie Hoopla (HHH) parties.
We not only teach you how to fish but we also provide the lake for you to dangle your worm.